Sunday, January 25, 2009

Feliz Obama

The day that I have long dreamed of finally arrived, and I find myself woefully short of things to say. For years, I have awaited the time when my country would no longer violate the laws of morality, science, common sense or even the laws of the country itself in the wrongheaded pursuit of political expediency.

I felt so high when Obama defeated "Ready!, Fire!, Aim!" McCain. With a resounding voice the nation declared that they were ready for a President who could think in sophisticated terms and who expects us to do so as well. All Presidents promise the impossible. For the first time in my life, we elected a President who emphasized the hard work needed to create the impossible.

I believe there is a saying "When the time is right, the man comes forth". As much as our country would have been better off without Bush for the last four years, we were not ready to face the truths we needed to face. We seem to be there now, but I worry that the hole we have dug is too deep. Even if Obama is the chronologically and biologically miraculous offspring of Franklin Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, which he often appears to be, the tasks seem so daunting.

How do you restore fiscal sanity when the economic wreck requires more spending?
How do you rescue a global climate that already seems past the tipping point?
How do you undo the damage done to our name and in our name in the world?

How long will the public support last? With the events of Tuesday and the acclaim, anything less than unparalleled excellence will be seen as a disappointment. But anything less than twice that level of excellence may not be enough.

I should be flying high as Obama has already made great decisions as President to reverse the previous path. Why do I still feel so scared?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I think we all do.